General Fixes

I decided to see if I could fix some of the major issues with this 3 year old project after I gained alot more knowledge and experience within Unreal Engine. So if you tried our little game before and didn't like it because of all the bugs, please give it another shot! But if you haven't tried it before, please do and tell us what you thought of it!

- Modified catch parameters so player will not get caught without an explainable reason
- Changed collision settings regarding the player
- Got the clock working again
- Fixed a bug where the shadow wouldn't show up in the players screen when caught

General Changes
- Shortened the time needed to survive by half
- Added an info button in the main menu
- Added a way to skip the intro sequence
- Added emissive objects around the light switches to make them more recognisable
- Increased the time needed for the shadow to catch the player

Files 528 MB
May 10, 2023

Get Lights On


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Nice! 👍